Sunday, February 23, 2014

More Learning

Nikon D600 w/ f2.8 24-70 Lens.
Anyone who frequents my blog for pictures will understand that this isn't my normal camera.  A new friend of mine enticed me with this wonderful camera in an attempt to make me cross over.  It was during this occasion that I learned several new things.

1. Nikons are fun to shoot with (too)!  This isn't a way of saying Canons are not fun, but Nikons are fun as well.  I really enjoyed using this camera.  I do admit, I was at a handicap to use the camera.  The control mechanisms and interfaces were different than my Canon bodies.  It did take me a while to find the controls I wanted, but it didn't hamper the overall experience.

2. I really like the 24-70mm range.  My friend was cool to let me borrow a his full frame camera.  But to throw in such an awesome lens, it becomes clear that he was really trying to show me something.  (Was that enough lens puns in one sentence?)  To clearly illustrate my point, here is my son at the grocery store.

At the grocery store, and with the wide ability of this lens, I was able to set him apart from his surroundings.  I really enjoy this little picture as it's how I often see my son.  He's entirely in focus and almost jumping off of his surroundings.

3. There is someone in the world that trusts me enough to let me borrow their camera without hesitation.  Yes, he's a Nikon-shooter, but I can accept that.  Most importantly, and I seriously mean this, I feel really good to know that I have a friend that trusts me.  


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What happened to 2013...?

So I missed an entire year in regards to my blog.

Quick updates:
-Moved from Hawaii to Virginia.  Closer to family, friends and the four seasons.
-Started a new job.  Been there almost a month and it's still challenging.
-Sold the 5D mk II.  Got the 70D for the autofocus during video ability.  Better for filming Eli while he's growing so fast.
-Found out I'm going to be a dad again.  This time to a daughter.  Already planning to buy another full frame DSLR to capture every moment.

 Below is a picture of bay bridge in San Francisco.  I was there on business (ref. new job) and got up early to walk out and get this shot.  One of the last few scenery shots with the old 5D (ref. sold it).