Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Went to Vegas...

My posts have been a little less organized lately...  You'll also notice some changes as I'm experimenting with advertisements.

But more importantly, this shot was taken from inside an opera house in Las Vegas.  We all went to the Phantom of the Opera show  [it was awesome].  This shot comes from my Canon
G10, which I still hold in the highest respects for reasons proven above.  It was hand held for 1.8sec at f 2.8, ISO 400.  

Monday, December 21, 2009

Things are getting bigger...

Things are getting bigger around here... could this be a hint of things to come...?
Or perhaps, this is just a quirky way for me to bring up a trip with JTCashStack. It was during this trip that him and I traversed the mighty red wood forests in a Santa Fe.

One of the reasons I reference things getting bigger is in fact that today I coordinated the print of one of my shots. It was previously posted here.

More proof of things getting bigger you say? How about I learned enough HTML tonight to create links within text? Yeah, I thought so...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Doesn't Take Much

I was on my way to my friends house to play a little COD: MW2... you know how it is. And then, I saw this. This was taken with my iPhone, not the most complex shot, but simplicity is key. Also, for those really interested in my work, please let me know as I've recently began working with that prints on canvas. Thanks Garrett for helping me make the move from amateur to non-paid professional.

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's been a while...

I haven't posted in a while. I haven't played with my camera in a while. I haven't played video games on my computer in a while. I haven't stacked lawn ornaments in a while...