Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pun Intended

I got new tires.  They are exceptional at what they do.  I thank them for propelling me into adventures out there and awaiting.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This weekend

Canon G10, set to 6.1mm, for f/4.0, ISO 80, 1/100 sec.
Canon G10, set to 6.1mm for 1/125 sec at f/4.0, ISO 80.
So there we were.  Diving at the north shore.  Nothing really special this outing except this little guy.  I could make all sorts of turtle jokes here, but I want to remain dignified.  In this moment, it was calm and relaxing, like watching something way older than me handle his day just like he normally would if I weren't here.  Just like he has for many years before.  

Additional camera stuff: I used an underwater housing for these shots, really extends the lifetime of a non-underwater camera.  Also, I was using the fully automatic settings as cruising around under the massive surge that was happening that day while trying to change camera settings can be a bit bothersome.  Therefore, full auto was engaged.  Cheers!